Want to progress in your career and personal life?

Want to get unstuck?

Join the

Conversations with Money Course

The road to financial success can be overwhelmingly tough. Long hours, wasted time and energy, burnout, self-doubt, self-sabotage, lack of support, tools and resources. Nowhere to turn for valuable advice and knowledge.  

Do you find that your dreams seem more and more elusive?

Do you repeat the same old behaviors that no longer serve you?

Do you make New Year's resolutions, only to break them again and again?

Are you frustrated with reactions you have that you can't seem to regulate?

What if you've been fighting your brain?

What if your current sabotage and reactions were left over neural programming?

What if you understood how your brain works, so you could use the most powerful machine in the world - the one between your ears!

At the Mind Muscles™ Academy we teach you to work WITH your brain to create new intentional behaviors that serve you better. We teach you how to make new neural connections that create new behaviors that feel better, support your values and get you to your goals.

The Mind Muscles Academy has several opportunities for self-guided education, as well as a Trader Transformation plan featuring online course content.

Rich also offers private coaching to a few qualified applicants each month. For more information, please contact Rich using the information below.

About Richard Friesen

Rich Friesen CEO Mind Muscles Inc.

Richard Friesen is the creator and developer of the innovative and exclusive “Mind Muscles™” training process that turns the psychology of trading on its head. He works with financial professionals, independent traders, business leaders and entrepreneurs who want to expand their mental game to make more consistent profits.

With in depth experience as a broker, floor trader, financial software developer and entrepreneur, he brings concrete real world experience to his clients.

Rich also holds a B.A. in Philosophy, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and is a graduate of the Gestalt Institute in San Francisco along with Master’s certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

His background in psychology has been instrumental in his development of his Mind Muscles™ training programs that supports the financial and business community.

Rich's latest book entitled: “A Private Conversation with Money” is available on Amazon.com.

To contact Rich, please send an email to rich@mindmuscles.com

To schedule time for a more indepth conversation, make an appointment to talk, here.

Get the book here

To be notified when the next Money course and/or live online meetings opens for enrollment, please fill in the form below:

I am unable to wrap words around what happened in our session this morning. Thank you for a most amazing experience. The safety I felt to even go where the sensations led says much about who you are. Your compassion so genuine, I felt supported throughout. I thank you again for your attention, kindness and generosity. With much gratitude, -MJ"

Futures Trader, TX

The foundational experience was learning that Mind Muscles can actually be built and then how that is done, followed by actually doing it has been fantastic and worth more than the cost of the course in that lesson alone. The module that has opened the door to new possibilities is the relationship with money exercise. It jumped me straight into a major awakening and realization of how negative that relationship had been for me. I have some very good tools now thanks to this course that are taking me past awareness and acceptance and into a very productive state."

Steve H, Australia

Read or Listen to the book

Discover powerful ways to re-frame your own beliefs and behaviors around courting money, wealth and success, all while being entertained! Featuring engaging, real-world exercises and money affirmations that work, this book will help you discover what is blocking your happiness and teach you how to embrace a new mindset that will grant you financial freedom and understanding.